IT Support- Businesses, Schools,and, Government
Since 1992, CSC has been providing CIO/CTO and proactive IT services to business, non-profit, government, K-12 and higher education organizations. We are also a certified Apple repair center.
Attracting and retaining the best people is why CSC has thrived since 1992. Our team is not just comprised of technical experts. Our people are more than that. We are customer service driven with an instinct for business. Everyone at CSC is motivated by a high level of performance both for our clients and themselves. On a regular basis, we discuss our core values, mantra, and tag line, both internally and with our clients. This exercise reminds us of what drives us, what we do, and why we are exceptional.
Keywords: Apple Repair, Columbus Computer repair, web hosting, networking security, hosted exchange, managed it services, IT hosting, business computer support, eductaion computer support, non-profit computer support, small business IT support, business web hosting